Splurge without the guilt!

budget finance money shopping splurge Oct 06, 2023

I love buying things. 

There.  I said it.  

And to be honest, it doesn’t even need to be anything expensive…hello late night Kmart visits!

But there is sometimes an underlying guilt that comes with buying things that I have found hard to shake. 

And it has made me not be totally honest about the price of things - always rounding down when asked. 

Many of us have experienced at some point in our lives: the guilt of spending money. 

Whether it's a small treat or a significant investment, many women find themselves wrestling with that nagging feeling of ‘eep’ when they open their wallets.

But here's the thing: it's time to release that guilt and start embracing your spending power.

Find the worth in every purchase 🔎

If you want to overcome that guilty feeling when you spend money, the first thing to do is realise how valuable your purchases are.

Every time you buy something, no matter how big or small, it has a purpose in your life. It could be an Oodie that makes winter more cosy or a new gadget that makes your daily routine simpler. Each purchase adds to your overall well-being and brings a little extra happiness into your world. And that’s ok.

When you realise the worth of what you're buying, it changes your perspective from feeling guilty to feeling grateful.

Budget like a boss 💵

Budgeting 101: create a budget that matches your goals. By doing this, you'll not only handle your money better but also have the freedom to spend without feeling guilty…just make sure you stick to it. 

Make a list of all the money coming in, all that’s going out, and what you're saving up for. Treat yo’ self.

Be realistic about much money you actually have to play with. By sticking to your budget, you can go ahead and buy things without stressing about overspending.

Spend wisely, live mindfully 🧘🏽‍♀️

Mindfulness is so important - even with cash money. Be aware of where your money is going and make sure it aligns with what you really value.

Mindful spending prompts you to ask yourself if a purchase truly matters and how it will affect your life. Get all Marie Kondo about it…spark some joy ✨

Before buying something, ask yourself:

  • Does this item align with my values and priorities?

  • Will it bring joy or improve my quality of life?

  • Can I afford it within my budget?

If you stop for a sec and think about what you're buying, you'll be able to make smarter decisions and avoid those impulse purchases that often leave you feeling guilty afterwards.

Spend with a smile 😎

Financial security doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself of all the things you love. It's more about finding a sweet spot between splurging and saving that matches up with your bigger goals in life.

Whether it's a late-night Kmart visit or a well-thought-out investment, let go of that guilt and embrace the power of your financial choices.